{ Linked Paleo Data }

Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) is a community data framework being designed to simplify the sharing, reuse and analysis of paleoclimate data. By combining a flexible, hierarchical data container with linked data concepts, LiPD lets paleoscientists spend less time wrangling data, and more time doing science.

We’re currently working hard to develop more and better utilities for interacting with LiPD, both for the creation and validation of LiPD datasets, and for tools to interact with LiPD data in Python, R, and Matlab.

A technical description of the LiPD framework is available here.

Dataset Structure

Getting Started

I want to ...

create a LiPD file from scratch
  • Use the LiPD Playground: enter data and download your dataset as a LiPD file
  • Use the LiPD Utilities (Python): enter your data into our Excel template, and use the LiPD Utilities to convert the excel file to a LiPD file
create many LiPD files from scratch
  • Use the LiPD Utilities (Python): enter your data into our Excel template, and use the LiPD Utilities to convert the excel file to a LiPD file. This is currently the easiest way as creating many files one-by-one in the Playground can be tedious.
edit a LiPD fileanalyze LiPD data


What are LiPD Utilities and why do I need them?

The LiPD Utilities are functions that allow you to create, edit, and analyze LiPD data.

What languages are the LiPD Utilities available in?

R, Matlab, and Python.

Why would you code the LiPD Utilities in different languages?

We want to give LiPD access to as many people as possible, regardless of computer setup. We think that covering the main scientific languages is a good place to start.

Do I need to learn new functions for each package?

Yes and no. Each package contains the same set of 'core' functions. Each package has some extra functions that leverage the strengths of that specific language as well. All functions are noted in the individual package documentation.

It's not working OR it could work better!

Please let us know! Each Github repository has an 'Issues' tab that helps us track bug reports and suggestions for improving.All relevant Github repositories are listed below in 'Quick Links'. Post your comments and concerns and we will get to them as soon as possible!

Where can I find LiPD files?

LiPD files are currently hosted on the LinkedEarth Wiki and NOAA Paleo. Both sites are linked below in 'Quick Links'.

Why do you have the LiPD Utilities and the LiPD Playground? Aren't they the same thing?

Not exactly. The LiPD Playground is great for creating and editing files on a file-by-file basis. It also works well for doing a quick glance at the data and making sure it looks correct. The LiPD Utilities are better at batch data and data analysis. For example, creating multiple LiPD files from Excel templates, extracting and analyzing a time series, or editing a specific piece of data in multiple files.

How do PyleoClim and GeoChronR packages fit into all this?

PyleoClim and GeoChronR are complementary packages to the LiPD Utilities. The LiPD Utilities help facilitate the basic functions of reading, writing, and managing your LiPD files. GeoChronR and PyleoClim are meant to handle more advanced functions for analysis and visualization in R and Python respectively.

How do I use the LiPD Playground?

Use the 'Take the Tour!' button on the playground to walk through each section with step-by-step instructions and tips. Additionally, there are video tutorials on our LiPD Manager YouTube page.

About Us

Julien Emile-Geay

Principal Investigator

Department of Earth Science

University of Southern California

Nicholas McKay

Principal Investigator

School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability

Northern Arizona University

Deborah Khider

Department of Earth Science

University of Southern California